At the end of this month I will be having my 8th and last chemotherapy in my round of treatment and I cannot wait! It has been a challenge to say the least but a challenge that thousands of people go through every day. I know that I'm nowhere near finished, I've got radiotherapy and an operation to go through yet but chemotherapy has felt like the biggest hurdle both physically and psychologically. The fact that one minute you're happily tootling along in life and the next you're whisked into this parallel world of hospitals, appointments and illness is the strangest thing. It all happens so quickly that its all a bit of a blur, I think I've actually only just get my head around it all and I was diagnosed at the end of February.
During the good weeks I have been able to do some painting, this has been a joy and so therapeutic. I am able to totally focus on the painting and forget everything else which doesn't happen very often! Throughout July I have my work exhibited at Cromford Studio and Gallery where I am artist of the month. The gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday 10-5 and is a really special little place full to bursting with lovely art and crafts.
Matlock Bath.